How It Works
Your business provides unpaid, on-the-job training internship opportunities for our
Success Training Employment Program (STEP) participants AS a
Workplace Training Partner, you commit to providing an on-the-job training experience for an individual for up to 180 hours throughout a six week period.
Prior to STEP participant placement in your business, our STEP Job Coach will work with you to determine the specific skills required for your training environment. Candidates are STEP participants who have graduated from Phase I of in-classroom training and have demonstrated a commitment to success. They have completed six weeks of classroom training, which includes personal empowerment curriculum, workplace behavior workshops and certifications including
Customer Service, Professionalism, Business Ethics and Safety.
STEP delivers screened, trained team players who outperform other entry-level recruits in motivation and retention.
Workplace Training Partners choose to work with United Against Poverty STEP Students because it creates real value and cost savings for their firm, while helping to empower and inspire men and women living in poverty to lift themselves to economic self-sufficiency.
Want to find out more? Contact our STEP Education Coordinator at 772-564-9365.